How Title Loans Work In 5 Easy Steps
Life is complicated. Understanding how title loans work doesn’t have to be. Even those who are extra careful with their finances with budgeting and savings can face a financial emergency now and then. Expensive last-minute travel, car or home repairs, or an unexpected medical bill can all be major financial setbacks.
That’s how title loans work: they provide short-term help for short-term money difficulties. By using the title of your car, truck, or van as collateral, you may qualify for up to $10,000 in a title loan from New Mexico Title Loans, Inc. — and you can still keep your car during the duration of the loan.
Before we outline how title loans work in 5 easy steps, here’s a quick overview of what you need to know about qualifying for a title loan.
How Title Loans Work For You
We make it easy to qualify for a title loan at New Mexico Title Loans, Inc. to help you out. It’s fast, too, taking as little as 30 minutes from start the finish to qualify. Here’s what you need, in addition to being at least 18 years old:
- A driver’s license or state-issued ID;
- Your vehicle for inspection. It’s how we determine how much you may qualify for.
- A lien-free title to your vehicle. Lien-free means that there are outstanding loans against it.
How Title Loans Work If Your Credit Is Not Good
Those with not-so-great credit are more than welcome to pursue a title loan from New Mexico Title Loans, Inc. with us. We are dedicated to working with individuals with various forms of credit and having bad credit does not instantly disqualify you for a title loan. We also do not report loans to credit agencies.
How Title Loans Work If You Are Not Employed
You do not need to be employed to qualify for a title loan at New Mexico Title Loans, Inc. If you’ve had a bankruptcy discharged, you can still qualify as well.
How Title Loans Work If There Are Multiple Names On Your Car Title
While your vehicle’s title must be in your name, there can also be additional names associated with your title as long as your name is on a title as well. If the word “and” is your name and another name, both of those people are required to sign off on the loan.
If the word “if” is between your name and another, either of those people or both can sign off on the loan.
How Title Loans Work In Just 5 Simple Steps
Ready to pursue a title loan to help with a financial emergency? Here’s the process in just five quick steps:
- Start by visiting one of our store locations near me or begin the process from the comfort of your own home by filling out a short online form. You’ll be providing some information that we’ll always keep confidential: your name, email address, phone number, zip code, and the year, make, and model of your car.
- Keep your phone handy. If you start the process online, one of our friendly loan representatives will call you very shortly after receiving your online form. Your materials will be reviewed and a loan representative will answer any questions you may have about title loans and set up a meeting with you.
- Gather the required materials and either visit one of our store locations or have a loan representative meet you at a location of your choosing. Your required materials will be reviewed and the representative will perform a quick inspection of your vehicle to determine the amount you qualify for.
- The loan representative will then decide if you qualify for approval. If you do, they will go over the loan terms with you. If you agree to your loan’s terms and conditions, you’ll finish some basic paperwork.
- Once you are finished with the paperwork and you agree to the loan terms and conditions, you will either receive your cash that same day or the very next bank business day at the latest.
Get Started Today!
Qualifying for and receiving a title loan from New Mexico Title Loans, Inc. isn’t nearly as difficult as you make think it is. In fact, we make sure our process is both quick and convenient for you to go through.
In five easy steps, you have the option of getting a cash loan between $300 and $10,000 to provide life-changing assistance to overcome any temporary financial emergency that you are experiencing.
At New Mexico Title Loans, Inc., our loan representations are committed to helping people like you every day qualify for the cash advance they need to get their financial life back in order in as little as 30 minutes.
While bad credit often disqualifies many people from the option of financial assistance through a loan, that is never the case with us here.
We are here for you. Give us a call, visit one of our New Mexico title loans in my area, or complete the quick form online today to get the ball rolling and learn how title loans work. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.